Limiting feature install and update with update sites
Provisioning settings are available on the Client Upgrade tab in the Domino® Administrator server Configuration Settings document. This capability is specific to the Eclipse Update Manager (EUM).

One way of installing and updating third-party features or Notes® sidebar plug-ins is the Eclipse update manager (EUM), which is a user-initiated tool. Alternatively, widgets can be used for automat install and update. For information about provisioning features and plug-ins to an existing Notes installation, see Deploying client plug-ins with widgets and the widget catalog in the related links. While EUM requires the user to "pull" an install or update, the widgets deployment method enables an administrator to push an install or update without user intervention.

Custom features and plug-ins can be installed as part of Notes install or using an add-on installer; these methods are described in this guide.

For related information, see Specifying available update sites.

Note: Features installed or upgraded using the Notes installer are only available for upgrade using the Notes installer.

Related concepts
Managing client plug-in deployment
Specifying available update sites

Related tasks
Creating and using an NSF-based update site
Deploying client plug-ins with widgets and the widget catalog