Show Stat vm
Monitors the performance of physical and virtual memory. The Show Stat vm command displays a list of virtual memory usage statistics for all enabled Domino® server processes.


You can enter this command at the server console to display statistics for the local server or at a remote server console to display statistics for a remote server.

Note: Show Stat vm can be used only on Microsoft™ Windows™ platforms.


 Show Stat vm


Show Stat vm -- Displays virtual memory usage statistics for all Domino server processes.


You will obtain output similar to the following sample when you use the sh stat vm command:

Systemwide memory info:

    Total Memory (MB) = 2048

    Avail Memory (MB) = 1453

    Page Faults/Sec = 0.00862075

Per-process details:

PID       VMSize    Mem Usage pgFlts/sec  procName  %CPUTime

2420      29608     47004     0.000038    nserver   0.030000  

3580      8328      26768     0.000002    nevent    0.050000  

2656      4888      14108     0.000001    nrouter   0.000000  

632       4804      15576     0.000003    nadminp   0.030000  

3588      4212      9976      0.000000    namgr     0.000000  

3688      4152      13928     0.000000    namgr     0.000000  

2012      3644      11264     0.000000    nprocmon  0.000000  

The Show Stat vm command displays the following system-wide summary information when available:

The Show Stat vm command displays the following per-process memory information:
Note: You can use the Show Stat Platform command to view these same virtual memory statistics.

Parent topic: List of server commands and syntax

Related concepts
Monitoring system statistics
Platform statistics

Related reference
Show Stat
Show Stat Platform