Reducing Notes startup time for Linux users
The Linux™ platform Notes® install package contains a script that reduces Notes client startup time after the first operating system startup.

About this task

This procedure uses the supplied script, which calls the ntspreld program to preload several key libraries used by Notes to reduce Notes startup time. When enabled, Notes will automatically preload several libraries to reduce its startup time.

Note: A similar capability for Windows™ platform users is described in the topic Reducing Notes startup time using a preloader.


1. Install or upgrade Notes on the Linux platform client but do not start Notes.

2. Navigate to the Notes install directory, for example /opt/ibm/notes and locate the script.

3. Switch to root user and enable (or subsequently disable) the script.

4. Restart the Notes client.

Related concepts
Considerations for installing and upgrading Notes on Linux

Related tasks
Installing and upgrading Notes on Linux
Reducing Notes startup time using a preloader