Customizing Notes install using the tuner
Some aspects of Notes® installation can be customized to allow you to control the options that are installed and/or available to users. You can use the InstallShield tuner for Notes to customize many aspects of Notes installation on a Microsoft™ Windows™ client, using the .msi and .itw files supplied in the Notes install kit to create a unique transform (.mst) file.

The InstallShield tuner for Notes allows you to customize an .msi kit using transforms to override supplied defaults for various Notes resources, registry settings, directories, installation options and features to install, and more.

When the transform file is present in the Notes install kit, it is used during Notes installation. A tuned install kit can be distributed using standard kit distribution methods.

Note: To control installation of the features listed in the Notes install kit's install manifest (install.xml), you can customize the supplied install manifest (install.xml) and update site directory ( in which the feature and plug-in .jar files and site.xml file reside, using the supplied UpdateSiteMgr tool. See the related topics for details on the tool.

You can use transform files to deselect options that you do not want to install by default. You also use transform files to hide the options that you do not want users to change, regardless of whether you choose to install a particular option. For example, you can modify the Visible and Initial State settings for each installation option that you want to designate as hidden or not hidden.

Note: During a silent install you can call the transform using command line arguments.

The InstallShield tuner for Notes is not supplied with Notes. You can obtain it from IBM® Passport Advantage®. See the related topics.

Related concepts
Customizing Notes installation
Setting up Notes installation using scriptable setup
Eclipse files and folders in the Notes install kit
Example: Using setup.exe to call a transform file during Notes silent install

Related tasks
Adding and removing components from the Notes install kit using UpdateSiteMgr
Obtaining a tuner and creating a transform file to customize Notes installation

Related information
Tech Note #1226984: Is the InstallShield Tuner for Notes available for download
IBM Passport Advantage