Example of creating activity logging records
This example shows the activity logging records that Domino® generates when a user sends mail to another user whose mail database is on a different mail server. In this example, the message goes directly to the recipient's mail server without making any intermediate hops.

Domino generates some of these records, such as Notes® session Checkpoint records and Notes database Checkpoint records, only if the activity occurs after the checkpoint interval has elapsed during the session.

Table 1. Activity logging generated during each step of sending a mail message
Activity Records generated Server that generates records
User opens mail database Notes Session Open

Notes Database Open

Sending server
User creates a mail message The following are possible:

Notes Session Checkpoint

Notes Database Checkpoint

Sending server
User sends message to MAIL.BOX Mail Deposit plus the following:

If the message contains an attachment:

Notes Database Open

Notes Database Close

If the message does not contain an attachment:

Notes Database MailDeposit

Sending server
User saves message The following are possible:

Notes Session Checkpoint

Notes Database Checkpoint

Sending server
The Router picks up the message from MAIL.BOX Mail Transfer Sending server
The Router deposits the message in the destination server's MAIL.BOX Mail Deposit plus the following:

If the message contains an attachment:

Notes Database Open

Notes Database Close

If the message does not contain an attachment:

Notes Database MailDeposit

Receiving server
The Router delivers the message to the user's mail database Mail Delivery Receiving server
User opens mail database and reads message Notes Database Open Receiving server

Related concepts
Activity Logging

Related tasks
Viewing activity logging data

Related reference
The information in the log file