Agent Manager Tell commands
You can use Tell commands to administer the Agent Manager.

Table 1. Tell commands
Tell Amgr CancelCancels the scheduled agent that is currently running.

Note: Tell Amgr Cancel does not cancel agents executed by other processes, such as HTTP or router; however, you can use the remote debugger to cancel agents executed by any process. If a third-party application hangs and does not return control back to Notes®, the agent cannot be canceled.

Specify the agent to be canceled by entering these arguments:

"db name" 'agent name'

Example: Tell Amgr Cancel "DatabaseName.nsf"  'AgentName'

Note: You can use the Tell Amgr Schedule command to determine which agents can be canceled.

Tell Amgr DebugDisplays either the current debug settings for the Agent Manager or lets you set new ones. When using this command to set debug values, you can use the same flags used by the Debug_AMgr command in the NOTES.INI file. These settings take effect immediately; you do not need to restart the Agent Manager or the server.

The following are Tell Amgr Debug parameters:

  • c -- To output agent control parameters
  • e -- To output information about Agent Manager events
  • l -- To output loading reports
  • m -- To output agent memory warnings
  • p -- To output agent performance statistics
  • r -- To output agent execution reports
  • s -- To output information bout AMGR scheduling
  • v -- Verbose mode, outputs more messages regarding agent loading, scheduling and queues
  • * -- To output all of the information in the parameters
Tell Amgr RunRuns the agents that you designate with these arguments:

Example: Tell Amgr Run "DatabaseName.nsf" 'AgentName'

Tell Amgr PausePauses scheduling of agents
Tell Amgr QuitStops the Agent Manager on a server.
Tell Amgr ResumeResumes scheduling of agents.
Tell Amgr ScheduleShows the schedule for all agents scheduled to run for the current day. In addition, the command shows the agent trigger type, the time the agent is scheduled to run, the name of the agent, and the name of the database on which the database runs. Checking the Agent Manager schedule lets you see if an agent is waiting in one of the Agent Manager queues.

Agent Manager queues:

E - Agents eligible to run

S - Agents scheduled to run

V - Event-triggered agents waiting for their events to occur

Trigger types:

S - Agent is scheduled to run

M - Agent is a new mail-triggered agent

U - Agent is a new/updated document-triggered agent

Tell Amgr StatusThis command shows a snapshot of the Agent Manager queues and displays the Agent Manager settings in the Server document.

Related concepts
Using a console to send commands to a server

Related reference
admn_dominoservercommands_r.ditaDomino server commands