Place the updateSite folder centrally
This topic illustrates how to import an Eclipse update site into an NSF-based update site on a central Domino® server.

About this task

Perform these steps to place the feature's valid Eclipse updateSite folder containing the signed features and plugins, For additional information see the topic Create an NSF-based update site and Import the Eclipse update site.


Place the feature's signed Eclipse updateSite folder, including the features and plugins subdirectories and the valid site.xml file, onto your local client system.

The NSF-based update site can reside on either an HTTP server or Domino server.

This process assume that you already have a valid Eclipse update site, containing the signed features and plugins. For information about signing the contents of an update site, refer to the topic Signing custom or third-party features and plug-ins for install and update.

Parent topic: Deploying client plug-ins with widgets and the widget catalog
Next topic: Prepare the Domino server and Notes client

Related concepts
Understanding the Eclipse update site
Eclipse files and folders in the Notes install kit

Related tasks
Deploying client plug-ins with widgets and the widget catalog
Signing custom or third-party features and plug-ins for install and update