Before you begin
To add a server to a cluster, you must have the following access rights:
If a server is part of a different cluster, you do not have to remove the server from that cluster to add it to the new cluster. The Cluster Administration Process removes the server from its original cluster and then adds it to the new cluster.
Note: You cannot use the Web Administrator to add a server to a cluster.
1. From the Domino Administrator, make sure the administration server or another server is current.
2. Click the Configuration tab.
3. In the Task pane, expand Server, and click All Server Documents.
4. In the Results pane, select the server(s) you want to add to the cluster.
5. Click Add to Cluster.
6. Choose the name of the cluster you want to add the server(s) to, and then click OK.
7. Choose Yes to add the server to the cluster immediately, and then continue to the optional Step 9. Or choose No to submit a request to the Administration Process to add the server to the cluster, and then continue to the optional Step 8.
8. Optional: If you chose No in Step 7 and you did not use the administration server to add the server to the cluster, perform these tasks:
When you add a server to a cluster, there can be a performance impact because of the amount of replication that must take place initially. Depending on the types of databases on the server and the number of replicas you create, adding a server can affect CPU performance, Input/Output, and network traffic. Therefore, it is a good idea to add only one server at a time to a cluster, depending on the ability of the equipment in the cluster. If you set up a private LAN for cluster traffic, adding servers is less of a concern because it does not affect your primary network.
Related concepts Managing a cluster