Viewing the certificates on an ID
You can display the Notes® and Internet certificates associated with an ID and display information about each certificate -- for example, public key, creation date, expiration date, and certifier information.

About this task

The following table shows the certificates that display in the Certificates box for a Notes user ID who has the name Alan Jones/Sales/East/Renovations.

Table 1. Examples of certificates for a Notes ID
Certificate Issued to
/Sales/East/Renovations (International)Alan Jones/Sales/East/Renovations

This certificate is issued to Alan Jones for international use.

/Sales/East/Renovations (North American)Alan Jones/Sales/East/Renovations

This certificate is issued to Alan Jones for North American use and for electronic signing.


This certificate is issued to the certifier of the ID and to any ancestors of the certifier.


This certificate is issued to the certifier of the ID and to any ancestors of the certifier.


This certificate is issued to the certifier of the ID and to any ancestors of the certifier.


This certificate is the Internet certificate issued to Alan Jones.

To view certificates


1. From the Domino® Administrator, click Configuration -> Certification.

2. Click ID Properties.

3. Choose the ID file to view.

4. Enter the password and click OK.

5. In the ID Properties dialog box, do any of the following:

Related concepts
Dual Internet certificates for S/MIME encryption and signatures