Updating a user from non-roaming to roaming
You can use the Domino® Administrator to update a user from a non-roaming state to a roaming state by selecting the user and choosing People -> Roaming from the Tools pane.

Update client information in the Person record

Triggered by: From the Domino Administrator, initiating the action to upgrade a user from non-roaming status to roaming status

Carried out on: The administration server for the Domino Directory

Carried out: Immediately

Result: Updates the User Can Roam field to In Process on the Roaming tab of the user's Person document in the Domino Directory

Create roaming user's replica stubs

Triggered by: The selected user logging into Notes® after the administrator has initiated the action to update the user's status to Roaming and the User can roam field on the Roaming tab of the user's Person document has been changed from No to In Process.

Carried out on: The server that will house the roaming files

Carried out: Immediately

Result: Creates replica stubs of the roaming files on the user's roaming server

Update Roaming User information in Person record

Triggered by: The selected user logging into Notes after the administrator has initiated the action to update the user's status to Roaming and the User can roam field on the Roaming tab of the user's Person document has been changed from No to In Process.

Carried out on: The administration server for the Domino Directory

Carried out: Immediately

Result: Updates the Personal Address Book field, Bookmarks filename, and Journal filename fields on the user's Person document in the Domino Directory. Generates the Monitor roaming users replica stubs request.

Monitor roaming users replica stubs

Triggered by: Successful completion of the Update roaming user information in Person record request

Carried out on: The user's roaming server

Carried out: Immediately

Result: Recognizes when replication occurs, and then generates the Update roaming user state in Person document request

Update roaming user state in Person document

Triggered by: Successful completion of the Monitor roaming users replica stub request. Successful replication of the roaming files to the roaming server.

Carried out on: On the administration server of the Domino Directory

Carried out: Immediately

Result: The User can roam field on the Roaming tab of the user's Person document is updated from In Progress to Yes.

Related concepts
Considerations for changing roaming user status
Administration process requests