About this task
For example, an LDAP user with Editor database ACL access can modify all entries, whereas an LDAP user with only Author database ACL access and the UserModifier role can modify only Person entries and not other entries.
To enable or disable LDAP write access to the primary Domino® Directory of the LDAP service, or to a secondary Domino Directory or Extended Directory Catalog the LDAP service serves:
1. From the Domino Administrator, open the directory for which you want to enable write access.
2. Select the Servers -> Configurations view.
3. If you do not see a domain Configuration Settings document in the view, a document named * - [All Servers], skip to step 4. If you see this document, do the following:
b. Click the LDAP tab.
c. Click Edit Server Configuration.
b. On the Basics tab select Yes next to Use these settings as the default settings for all servers.
c. Click the LDAP tab.
Tip: If you are enabling write access for the primary Domino Directory in the domain, a shortcut for steps 2-4 is: from the Domino Administrator open the server that stores the directory. Click the Configuration tab and expand Directory -> LDAP, and then select Settings; click Edit LDAP Settings.
7. For each server in the domain that runs the LDAP service, do the following:
Related tasks Using LDAP to modify a directory served by the LDAP service Controlling access to the Domino Directory Maximum Internet name-and-password access Configuring how the LDAP service responds to multiple name matches when processing write and compare operations