About this task
More than one subject that is shown at a selected target can apply to a particular user. For example, a user might be a member of two groups, both of which have access set to the target O=Renovations. The following precedence rules are applied to determine the access a user has to a target when there are multiple subjects that apply to the user at the target.
1. Access set for a subject with the scope This container only take precedence over access set for a subject with the scope This container and all descendants regardless of subject type. For example, the access set for the subject */Renovations and the scope This container only takes precedence over the access set for the subject Kathy Brown/Renovations and the scope This container and all descendants.
2. Among subjects with the same scope, access for a more-specific type of subject take precedence over access for a less-specific type of subject. The order of subject specificity, from most specific to least specific, is:
b. Self
c. Group
d. A wildcard, -- for example */Renovations
e. -Default-
For example, the access set for Kathy Brown/Renovations with the scope This container and all descendants takes precedence over the access set for the group Admins/Renovations with the scope This container and all descendants.
Note: Even after precedence rules are applied, a user's access can never exceed the access the database ACL allows the user.
Tip: To determine a user's effective access to an extended ACL target after extended access settings and database access are evaluated, select the target in the Extended Access at: target dialog box, then click Effective Access.
Table 1. Examples of precedence rules
Scope: This container and all descendants
Allow: Read, Browse
Deny: Create, Delete, Write
Scope: This container only
Allow: Create, Delete, Write
Deny: Read, Browse
Scope: This container and all descendants.
Allow: All
Deny: All
Related concepts Elements of an extended ACL Setting up and managing an extended ACL
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