Using a selection formula in a directory catalog configuration document
The Selection Formula field replaces the replication setting Receive only a subset of the documents - Documents that meet a selection formula used in other databases. Keep in mind that a selection formula applies to all the aggregated directories, so the formula should be valid for all of them.

About this task

Note that you cannot use a selection formula to aggregate documents that are never aggregated into a directory catalog. For example, you cannot use a selection formula to aggregate Server Configuration documents or Server Connection documents.

For more information on selection formulas, see IBM® Notes® 9.0.1 Social Edition Help.


Use the Selection Formula field in a directory catalog configuration document to aggregate only documents defined by a selection formula.


For example, to aggregate only Person documents with a value of "Atlanta" in the Location field, aggregate all Group documents, and exclude all other documents, use the following selection formula:

SELECT (Form = "Person" & Location = "Atlanta") | (Form = "Group")

Or to aggregate only Person documents for people assigned to a specific mail server, use a selection formula such as:

SELECT (Form = "Person" & MailServer = "MailServer1")

Using a selection formula in combination with the Group types option

About this task

The Group types field in a directory catalog configuration document controls the types of groups that the Dircat task aggregates into a directory catalog.


If you use a selection formula and you want to aggregate groups, select the groups as part of the selection formula as well as use the Group types field to indicate which types of groups to aggregate.


For example, to aggregate only Person documents with a Location of Atlanta, and only Mail and Multipurpose groups:

A selection formula can select only the types of groups indicated by the Group types option.

Using a selection formula in combination with the Include Servers option

About this task

The Include Servers field in a directory catalog configuration document for an extended directory catalog controls whether the Dircat task aggregate Server documents.


If you use a selection formula that includes Server documents, select the Server documents as part of the selection formula as well as select Yes in the Include Servers field.

Using a selection formula in combination with the Include Mail-In Databases option

About this task

The Include Mail-In Databases option in a directory catalog configuration document controls whether to aggregate Mail-In Database documents.


If you use a selection formula that includes Mail-In Databases documents, select the Mail-In Database documents as part of the selection formula, as well as select Yes for the Include Mail-In Databases option.

Related concepts
Controlling which information is aggregated into a directory catalog
Planning to set up directory catalogs
Directory catalogs

Related tasks
Types of documents the Dircat task can aggregate