Moving a roaming user
You can use the Domino® Administrator to move a roaming user's files from one server to another server. While performing the procedure to move a roaming user's roaming files (journal.nsf, bookmark.nsf, names.nsf), you have the option to move the user's mail file as well. When you move users' mail files and roaming files, Domino generates several types of administration requests to process the changes.

To move a roaming user's files, from the Domino Administrator choose People & Groups -> People -> Tools -> Move.

If the destination server to which you are moving the roaming user files is not in the Local domain, the Promote new roaming server's access request is generated as the second request in the series. Otherwise, the Promote New Roaming Server's Access is not generated.

Move roaming files administration requests

Check Roaming Server's Access

Triggered by: Initiating a Move user action from the Domino Administrator

Carried out on: The server on which the user's roaming files reside

Carried out: Immediately

Result: Checks for a Connection document between the old and new roaming servers and sets up the ACLs so that the old and new roaming servers have Manager access.

Promote New Roaming Server's Access

This administration request is generated if the server to which you are moving the user's files does not have access to the roaming files

Triggered by: Execution of a Check Roaming Server's Access administration request, and a lack of access to the roaming files by the destination server

Carried out on: The administration server of the Domino Directory.

Carried out: Immediately

Result: Sets up the ACLs to give the old and new roaming servers Manager access. Posts a Create Roaming User's replica administration request. Changes the administration server of the roaming files to the destination roaming server.

Create Roaming User's Replicas

This request is generated one time. It creates three replicas, one each for journal.nsf, bookmark.nsf, and one for names.nsf.

Triggered by: Successful processing of the Check Roaming Server's Access administration request

Carried out on: User's roaming server

Carried out: Immediately

Result: Pushes the three databases to the new replicas on the destination server. Posts the Monitor roaming server's field in Person record request

Monitor Roaming Server's Field in Person Record

Triggered by: Successful completion of the Create roaming user's replicas request

Carried out on: Destination server to which the roaming user files are being moved

Carried out: Immediately

Result: Recognizes the update to the Person record and posts the Replace roaming server field in Person record request

Replace Roaming Servers Field in Person Record

Triggered by: Successful completion of the Monitor roaming server's field in Person record request

Carried out on: Administration server for the Domino Directory only

Carried out: Immediately

Result: New roaming server information is added to the Roaming Server field on the Basics tab of the Person document

Push Changes to New Roaming Server

This request is generated three times, once each for journal.nsf, bookmark.nsf, and one for names.nsf.

Triggered by: The client recognizes that a new roaming server is in place and the Replicator page has been updated with the new roaming server

Carried out on: The original roaming server

Carried out: Immediately

Result: Pushes the last set of changes to the new Roaming Server. Initiates the Get Replica Information for Deletion administration request.

Get Replica Information for Deletion

Triggered by: Completion of the Push changes to new roaming server request

Carried out on: The original roaming server

Carried out: According to the Interval setting in the Administration Process section of the Server document

Result: Gathers the replica ID of each of the roaming files and posts the Approve replica deletion administration request

Approve Replica Deletion

This request is generated three times, once each for journal.nsf, bookmark.nsf, and one for names.nsf.

Triggered by: Successful completion of the Get replica for deletion administration request

Carried out on: Any server

Carried out: According to the administrator's discretion, that is, when the administrator approves the deletion

Result: Posts the Request replica deletion administration request

Request Replica Deletion

This request is generated three times, once each for journal.nsf, bookmark.nsf, and one for names.nsf.

Triggered by: Administrator's approval of the Approve replica deletion administration request

Carried out on: The administration server of the Domino Directory

Carried out: According to the Interval setting in the Administration Process section of the Server document

Result: Posts the Delete replica administration request

Delete Replica

This request is generated three times, once each for journal.nsf, bookmark.nsf, and one for names.nsf.

Triggered by: Successful completion of the Request replica deletion administration request

Carried out on: Deletes the replicas on the old roaming server

Carried out: According to the Interval setting in the Administration Process section of the Server document

Result: The replicas are deleted from the old roaming server

Move mail files administration requests

Check mail server's access

Triggered by: Initiating an action to move roaming files and mail file

Carried out on: Home server for the mail file as designated in the Person document

Carried out: Immediately

Result: Checks for a Connection document between the old and new mail file servers, and sets up the ACL to provide the old and new mail servers with Manager access. Posts the Create new mail file replica request.

Create new mail file replica

Triggered by: Successful processing of the Check mail server's access administration request

Carried out on: The administration server for the mail file

Carried out: Immediately

Result: Creates a replica copy of the old mail file on the new mail server. Posts the Add new mail file fields administration request.

Add new mail file fields

Triggered by: Completion of the Create new mail file replica administration request

Carried out on: The administration server for the Domino Directory

Carried out: Immediately

Result: Creates a New mail file field and an Old mail file field in the Person document. Posts the Monitor new mail file fields request.

Monitor new mail file fields

Triggered by: Successful completion of the Add new mail file fields request

Carried out on: The new mail server

Carried out: When the router recognizes the new mail server for the mail file

Result: Verifies that new fields are added to the Person document on the new mail server and that the router can route mail to the new server. Posts the Replace mail file fields administration request.

Replace mail file fields

Triggered by: Completion of the Add new mail file fields administration request.

Carried out on: The administration server for the Domino Directory.

Carried out: Immediately

Result: New mail server information is added to the fields. Removes new fields from the Person document. Places Old mail file and Old mail server fields in the Person document. The server sets a flag in the Person document to update the client.

Push Changes to new mail server

Triggered by: Client authentication with the home server after the Replace mail file fields administration request is completed

Carried out on: The home mail server

Carried out: Immediately

Result: Pushes the last set of changes and mail to the new mail file. Posts the Get mail file information for deletion administration request.

Get mail file information for deletion

Triggered by: Completion of the Push changes to new mail server administration request

Carried out on: The old mail server

Carried out: Immediately

Result: Locates the replica ID of the mail file and posts the Approve mail file deletion administration request

Approve mail file deletion

Triggered by: Successful completion of the Get mail file information for deletion administration request

Carried out on: Any server

Carried out: When you manually approve or reject the request in the administration requests database

Result: Posts the Request file deletion administration request

Request mail file deletion

Triggered by: The administrator's approval of the Approve mail file deletion request

Carried out on: The administration server for the Domino Directory

Carried out: According to the Interval setting in the Administration Process section of the Server document

Result: Posts the Delete mail file administration request

Delete mail file

Triggered by: Completion of the Request file deletion administration request

Carried out on: The original mail server

Carried out: According to the Interval setting in the Administration Process section of the Server document

Result: The old mail file is deleted from the original mail server.

Related concepts
Administration process requests

Related tasks
Moving a user's mail file and roaming files from the Domino Administrator or the Web Administrator