Configuring the Domino HTTP server to start, stop, and run the IBM HTTP server
You can use a setting in the NOTES.INI file on the Domino server to determine behavior of the IBM HTTP server running on the same computer.

About this task

When enabled, the HTTPIHSEnabled setting changes the Domino HTTP server to behave as follows:


In the NOTES.INI file on the Domino server, add the following parameter:



Before the IBM HTTP Server is started by the Domino HTTP server, the following environment variables are set automatically in this configuration; you should not need to modify any of them. These environment variables are specified in the ihs\conf\domino.conf file and are used to specify the values of IBM HTTP Server directives in the domino.conf file.


Set to the root directory where the IBM HTTP Server is installed

This setting cannot be changed.

Set to the fully qualified tcp name of the machine the Domino Server isinstalled on.

This setting cannot be changed.


Set to the document root where Domino html files are located.

This setting cannot be changed.


Set to the base directory where Domino file system files may reside

This setting cannot be changed.


Set to the port number that the Domino Web Server listens on for connectionsfrom mod_domino. The default port is 9288.

This setting can be changed by setting the following notes.ini value.

HTTPConnectorPort=port number


Set to the maximum request line length, this setting is derived from MaximumURL length: field on the http tab in the name and address book. A fix numberof bytes is added to account for the HTTP method and HTTP protocol strings.


Set to the domino technical support directory.

This setting cannot be changed.


Set the amount of time in seconds that mod_domino plugin will wait for theinitial response from the Domino HTTP server.The default is 300 seconds for a non-traveler server. For a traveler serverthis setting is set to the Heartbeat Algorithm Maximum Interval: field onthe Lotus Traveler tab in the name and address book.

This setting can be changed by the following notes.ini

HTTPIHSModDominoResponseTimeout=timeout value in seconds


This value is set to the number of Domino threads multiplied by three (3) forthe optimal threads to connections between mod_domino and the Domino HTTPserver. This is the default for non-traveler servers. For Lotus TravelerServers this number is set to the same number of threads as the Domino HTTPserver.

This setting can be changed by the following notes.ini, however the generalrecommendation is to leave it alone unless there is a use case that requires achange.

HTTPIHSThreads=number of IBM HTTP Server threads

What to do next

For serviceability, you can use a NOTES.INI setting to display environment variables that are used in the domino.confconfiguration file.

Add the following parameter to the NOTES.INI file:


Example output:

[06F4:0002-13C4] Set IHS config environment var DOMINO_IHS_ROOT=C:/domino/ihs.

[06F4:0002-13C4] Set IHS config environment var

[06F4:0002-13C4] Set IHS config environment var


[06F4:0002-13C4] Set IHS config environment var


[06F4:0002-13C4] Set IHS config environment var DOMINO_PORT=9288.

[06F4:0002-13C4] Set IHS config environment var DOMINO_MAX_REQUESTLINE=4108.

[06F4:0002-13C4] Set IHS config environment var


[06F4:0002-13C4] Set IHS config environment var DOMINO_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT=300.

[06F4:0002-13C4] Set IHS config environment var DOMINO_THREADS=120.