Roadmap: Mail tab
Use the Mail tab in the Domino® Administrator to obtain information about mail status and routing.

Select a view to administer a particular aspect of messaging, or click the Tools menu to see the available troubleshooting tools and routing commands.

The following views are available on the Mail tab:

Table 1. Views
View Description
Mail Users Displays a view of the local Domino Directory that lists all users by mail server and provides each user's Notes® mail address and mail file name. From this view you can add, edit, and delete Person documents, and send upgrade notifications.
Routing Mailboxes Displays the current contents of each MAIL.BOX database on the server. For more information, see the topic Managing undeliverable mail in MAIL.BOX
Mail Routing Status Displays a Java™ applet providing graphic representation of current mail.dead and mail.waiting statistics for this server. The mail.dead statistic represents the number of messages that the Router could neither deliver, nor return to the sender. The mail.waiting statistic represents the number of messages awaiting transfer to other servers.

Domino refreshes the information in this view at intervals of approximately one minute.

Mail Routing Events Displays the Routing events view of the server's Notes Log. For more information, see the topics The Domino server log (LOG.NSF) and Changing the logging level for mail.
Mail Routing Topology Displays Java applets providing graphic representations of the available routing paths defined by Connection documents and Notes Named Networks. Click the magnifying glasses to zoom in and out.
Reports Displays information from the server's Reports database. For more information, see the topic Generating a mail usage report.

Tools menu

The Tools menu on the Messaging - Mail tab provides the following tools for troubleshooting and managing mail routing:

Table 2. Tools menu
Send Mail TraceClick this option to test mail routing connections between a preferred mail server and the mail server of a specified recipient. The Router returns a message to the sender with the results of the test.

Note: If a server cannot forward or deliver the trace message and the server is set to hold undeliverable mail, trace reports are not returned to the sending administrator. Also, trace messages do not appear in the recipients' mail files.

  • To – Specify the recipient whose mail server's connection you want to test: an individual user, a group, or a mail-in database.
  • From Server – Specify the preferred server to send the mail trace. You can select a server from the list or select Other to see other servers not yet added to the list.
  • Subject – (Optional) describe the purpose of the mail trace. By default, this field contains the text Mail Trace Message.
  • Specify whether you want to receive trace reports from:
    • Each server on the path - Select this option if the routing path includes multiple intervening servers and you want to determine where on the routing path the message routing fails.
    • Last server only - Select this option to receive a trace report from the recipient's mail server only.
Route Mail Initiate® routing of all messages queued on the current server for the specified destination server. For more information, refer to the topic in the Domino server commands reference describing the Route command.
Start Router Starts the Router on the current server.
Stop Router Stops the Router on the current server. For more information, see the topic Router Tell commands.