Specifying the number of ID downloads allowed for a user
You can control the number of ID downloads from the ID vault for a specified user.

About this task

To control ID downloads from the vault, the Allow automatic ID downloads field in the ID Vault tab of the Security Settings document must be set to No. You specify the period of time within which the downloads must occur in the Security Settings document (by default, one day).

Tip: To require authorization for any ID download, set the download limit to 0 and then change it to a higher value when needed to authorize a specific download.

Tip: You can also specify an ID download count when resetting a user's password.


1. Click the People & Groups tab of the Domino® Administrator, and select the user for whom to specify a download count.

2. Click Tools -> ID Vaults -> Set ID Download Count and specify a count. For example, if a user runs Notes® from two workstations, you might specify a count of 2.

Related concepts
Managing the user IDs in an ID vault

Related tasks
Requiring authorization for ID downloads
Assigning password reset authority
Resetting the password on an ID in a vault