Changing the server administrator
If the name of the former administrator is explicitly listed in the access control list (ACL) for the Domino® Directory, delete the name of the former administrator from the ACL. Add the name of the new administrator and assign the administrator Manager access.

About this task

If the name of the former administrator is included in any groups, delete the former administrator's name from the Group document(s), if appropriate. Add the name of the new administrator.


1. From the Domino Administrator, select the Configuration tab.

2. Click Server, and then select one:

3. Click Edit Server.

4. Click the Administration tab.

5. In the Administrator field, type the administrator's name or click the arrow and complete the following fields as necessary in the Select Names dialog box:

6. Click OK, and then click Save & Close in the Server document.

7. Use the Replicate server command at the console to force replication of the Domino Directory and disseminate the change quickly.

Related concepts
Using a console to send commands to a server
Managing servers

Related tasks
Managing database ACLs

Related reference