Adding or removing installed Notes features within a release
Optionally add new features, or remove installed features, by rerunning the Notes® installation executable within the same release.

About this task

Within the same Notes release, you can add features to or remove features from your current Notes installation by re-running the Notes installer. You can also customize the process using the install manifest. Use either the user interface or the silent command line install methods.

Note: This process does not apply to Linux™; for Notes on Linux, recreate the rpm or deb install kit to contain the desired features.

Note: For performing this task silently on the command line, see Performing a Notes silent install or upgrade on Windows in the related information.


1. For the graphical user interface method, start the Notes installer.

2. Enable the Modify option and click Next.

3. Select the features to add or remove and then click Next.

4. Optional: Optionally specify Notes as your default Mail, Calendar, and Contacts programs and click Install.

5. Respond to any prompts and click Finish when installation is complete.

Related concepts
Planning your Notes client deployment

Related tasks
Adding and removing components from the Notes install kit using UpdateSiteMgr
Performing a Notes silent install or upgrade on Windows