Creating an Internet cross-certificate in the Domino Directory from a certifier document
You can create a cross-certificate in the IBM® Domino® Directory for an Internet certificate. After completing this step, you can push the cross-certificate to IBM Notes® clients to establish trust of the certifier on the clients.


1. From the Domino Administrator, click the People & Groups tab and the Certificates view.

2. Open the document for the Internet or Notes certifier that you want to cross-certify.

3. Click Actions -> Create Cross Certificate.

4. Select the certifier to cross-certify and click OK.

5. In the Issue Cross Certificate dialog box click Certifier. (Do not click Cross certify yet.)

6. Use the Choose a Certifier dialog box to select a server in the Domino domain and a certifier to issue the cross-certificate:

7. In the Issue Cross Certificate box, click Cross certify.

8. Click View -> Refresh and verify that the Domino certifier issued the cross-certificate.

What to do next

Supply the cross-certificate to Notes clients through install media or Security policy settings.

Related tasks
Customizing a Notes install kit to set certifier and trust defaults
Pushing certificates to clients through security policy settings
Pushing trusted certificates to Notes clients