Add Internet Certificate to Person Record
You can add an Internet Certificate to a user's Person Record using this AdminP (Administration Process) request.

The Add Internet Certificate to Person Record administration request is generated when you add an Internet certificate to a user's Person document. From the Domino® Administrator, open the Domino Directory and select the user(s) whose Person documents you want to add Internet Certificates to. Choose Actions -> Add Internet Certificate. The request is generated after you select the certifier or keyring file during the procedure.

This request is not generated if you choose to use CA Process.

Triggered by: Initiating the process to add an Internet Certificate to the Person document for one or more users.

Carried out on: The administration server of the Domino Directory copies the Certificate into the User Certification field of the Person document.

Carried out: According to the Interval setting for the Administration Process in the Server document.

Result: Places the person's Internet certificate in the Domino Directory so that encrypted mail may be sent to that user. Places the person's Internet certificate in the User ID file so that the user can send signed mail.

Related concepts
Administration process requests

Related tasks
Issuing Internet certificates in a Person document