Tracking a mail message
Use the Tracking Center tab to track the status of individual mail messages.

Before you begin

Make sure that you set up mail monitoring.

About this task

If you track a mail message and the search finds no messages, adjust the search criteria and then perform the search again.


1. From the Domino® Administrator, click the Messaging -> Tracking Center tab.

2. Click New Tracking Request.

3. Complete any of these fields to describe the message that you want to track, and then click OK.

4. From the Messages Found pane, select a message and then click Track Selected Message.

5. Expand the Message tracking results folder, and select a server to view more information about what happened to the message on that server.


Table 2. Information displayed by Domino for a tracked message
Field Description
Delivery statusIndicates whether the Router deposited the message in the recipient's mail file or transferred it to another server.
Mailbox statusIndicates whether the message is unread, read, deleted, or unknown.
This serverThe name of the current server.
Previous serverThe name of the server that delivered the message to the current server in the message path being examined. For messages originating outside the Domino network and transferred over SMTP, this is the server from which Domino received the message.
Next serverIf the current server is not the final destination, the next server on the routing path.
Msg priorityIndicates whether the message priority is high, normal, low, or unknown.
Unique message IDA value that uniquely identifies the message on the current server.
Inbound message IDThe message ID of the message when it arrived on the server.
Outbound message IDThe original ID of the message transmitted by the sending server.

In some cases, the SMTP Router changes the ID of the message before transferring it.

Inbound originatorThe sender's email address as it appeared in the message headers when the message arrived at the current server.
Outbound originatorThe sender's email address as it appeared in the message headers after transfer from the current server to the next hop server.
Inbound recipientThe recipient's email address as it appeared in the message headers when the message arrived at the current server.
Outbound recipientThe recipient's email address as it appeared in the message headers after transfer from the current server to the next hop server.
SubjectThe content of the message's subject header.
Disposition timeIndicates the time when the Router changed the status of the message to the value in the Delivery status field. There can be a delay between the arrival of a message and when the Router processes it.
Message arrival timeThe time when the current server received the message.
Message size (bytes)The size of the message, including any attachments.

Related concepts
Tools for mail monitoring
Controlling the Mail Tracking Collector

Related tasks
Configuring the server for message tracking
Setting up mail monitoring