Configuring the DOLS subscription
You choose configuration settings for the subscription in the Offline Subscription Configuration Profile document. You must edit and save a configuration document in every subscription even if you make no changes to the document. A subscription can have only one configuration document, even if the subscription has multiple databases. The configuration document must be stored in the main database. The main database is the database in the subscription from which the user downloads the subscription.

You can change configuration settings even after users have downloaded the subscription.

To edit the configuration document

1. Copy the appropriate design elements into the main database. For instructions, see the related topics.

2. Open the database in IBM® Notes®.

3. Choose Actions -> Edit Offline Configuration to open the document. Note that some of the fields have default values, which you can change. You can use wild card characters in any field.

4. Click the Basics tab. The name of the main database should be in the Subscription title field. If it is not, enter it.

5. Click the Services tab and fill in the following fields.

6. Click the Schedule tab and complete the following fields. Note that the user can override most of these fields from within the Subscription Properties box of the Domino Sync Manager.
7. Click the Sync Options tab and complete the following fields:
8. Click the Admin tab and complete the following fields:
9. (Optional) At the end of the configuration document, select whether to display the default download page or create your own download page. The download page is what users see while they're installing a subscription. It's useful for showing instructions, company graphics, warnings, or tips. Do one of the following: 10. Save and close the configuration document.

11. Save and close the subscription.

12. (Optional) Customize the subscription.

Related concepts
Copying DOLS design elements into the main database
Optional tasks for DOLS administrators
Increasing the server output timeout for DOLS downloads

Related tasks
Adding a directory catalog to a DOLS subscription