Specifying custom data directories for multi-user install or upgrade
You can configure Notes® custom data directories during Notes multi-user install or upgrade on Windows™ or Citrix XenApp.

About this task

The Notes installer and the Notes program itself determine the data directories in a multi-user install; there are two data directories -- one for shared files and one for user files.

This command line feature allows the administrator installing a multi-user Notes client to specify where the common data (templates, and so on) and where each subsequent user's personal data (contacts, bookmarks, notes.ini, and so on) will reside. In a normal multi-user install, these paths are under C:\Documents and Settings.

Using these command line options, you can uniquely specify the shared and user-specific data directories on the Notes install command line using MSI properties or in an MSI transform.

Note: Issues exist when using customized data directories in conjunction with Windows Roaming User. See the related topics.

The command line options for specifying a custom data directory for multi-user install or upgrade are as follows:

To configure a Notes custom data directory during multi-user install or upgrade, use the following command line in conjunction with your Notes install kit.


The shared notes.ini file is created in the directory specified by MULTIUSERCOMMONDIR and a user-specific copy of the notes.ini file is created in the directory specified by MULTIUSERBASEDIR. The expanded notes.ini path is written to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER registry.

Note: To enable verbose logging in conjunction with the command line install, use the following example as reference:

setup /v"/l*v %TEMP%\verbose.log SETMULTIUSER=1 MULTIUSERBASEDIR=Z:\ MULTIUSERCOMMONDIR=\"C:\Documents and Settings\all users\""

The client automatically appends IBM\Notes\Data\ to the end of the value specified for MULTIUSERBASEDIR; in this example Z:\IBM\Notes\data is the actual MULTIUSERBASEDIR path. (If the version of Notes is earlier than 9.0, the client automatically appends IBM\Notes\Data\ to the end of the value specified for MULTIUSERBASEDIR.)

If installing on a Citrix system, the additional CITRIX=1 property must also be used.


Upgrading to a new release or moving data directory content within a release

About this task

If your existing Notes install was deployed as described in the IBM® Notes Support document Steps for installing Notes on a Citrix Presentation server you can move existing user data directories within a Notes 8.5.1 release or later, or upgrade to Notes 8.5.1 or later, specifying custom data directories.

This procedure creates a Lotus\Notes\Data subdirectory in the Documents and Settings directory and copies all data files from Documents and Settings\!USERNAME!\notes\data to the new folders. A path of Lotus\Notes\Data is appended to the MULTIUSERBASEDIR path and used as the user's private data directory. To reuse a data directory from a previous installation, that data path must end in Lotus\Notes\Data.

Note: You must remove the existing multi-user NOTES.INI location from the registry if new custom data directories are to be used (for example HKCU\Software\Lotus\Notes\NotesIniPath\notes.ini). You must also move the data directory content from the original data directories to the new custom data directories.


1. Uninstall Notes but do not delete user data, data directories, and so on.

2. Remove the existing multi-user NOTES.INI location from the registry.

3. Run the following command:

4. Modify Registry settings as follows: 5. Move the contents of your previous Notes data directories into those of the new install.

6. Start Notes and log in as prompted. All Notes user data is available.

Related concepts
Considerations for installing and upgrading Notes on Windows
Considerations for installing and upgrading Notes on Citrix

Related tasks
Installing and upgrading Notes on Windows for multi-user
Installing and upgrading Notes on Citrix for multi-user

Related reference
Additional documentation resources

Related information
Technote #1412455: Windows Roaming User