Creating an Activity Trends server profile
You can create one or more Activity Trends server profiles.

To create a latest or historical server profile


1. From the Domino® Administrator, click the Server -> Performance tab, expand the Activity Trends section, and select a view under Latest or Historical .

2. In the Server profiles area, click the green plus sign.

3. In the Add Server dialog box, specify the domain and one or more servers for which you want activity data displayed.

4. Click the document icon and choose Save As.

5. In the Save Server Profile dialog box, enter a group name and click OK.

To create a resource balancing server profile


1. From the Domino Administrator, click the Server -> Performance tab, expand the Activity Trends section, and select Resource Balancing.

2. In the Server profiles area, click the green plus sign.

3. In the Add Server dialog box, under Server, do one or both of these:

4. Click Add to add each server, and then click Done when you have completed your selections.

5. Click the document icon and choose Save As.

6. In the Save Server Profile dialog box, enter a group name and click OK.

To create an additional server profile

About this task

Use this procedure to clear the current server profile and create a new one.


1. In the Server profile area, click the document icon, and select New.

2. Click the green plus sign, and complete Steps 3 through 5 in the previous procedure on creating a latest or historical server profile.

Related concepts
Activity Trends server and statistics profiles

Related tasks
Deleting an Activity Trends server profile
Trends server profile
Modifying an Activity Trends statistics profile
Viewing Activity Trends charts