Configuring HTML, CGI, icon, and Java files for Web Site documents
IBM® Domino® looks for individual HTML, CGI, and icon files in specific directories on the server's hard drive. You can change the URL path for icons and CGI program files. The URL path is where Domino looks for icons or CGI programs when it encounters a reference in the HTML code to one of these.

About this task

Specifying icon and CGI URL paths is useful if you change the directory location of icons or CGI programs and you do not want to modify HTML code that references the previous location of these files.

You need to add an extension to the file name for any files stored in the server CGI directory in order to be able to execute them. For example, .exe must be added to the file names for executable files, .pl must be added to the file names for Perl programs, and so on.


1. From the Domino Administrator, choose Configuration -> Web -> Internet Sites.

2. Choose the Web Site document you want to edit and click Edit Document.

3. Click Configuration. Under Default Mapping Rules, complete these fields:

What to do next

Note: If you are using the Web Server Configuration view, open the Server document, choose Internet Protocols -> HTTP, and complete the fields in the Mapping section.

Related concepts
Domino Web Engine settings for Web Site documents

Related tasks
Configuring DSAPI, HTTP methods, and WebDAV in Web Site documents