Widget catalog options and access
The widgets catalog is a server-based application that contains all centrally managed widgets and their underlying XML extension definitions, including content types and recognizers. The catalog is based on the IBM® Domino® server-supplied XPages widget catalog template (toolbox.ntf) and its access is controlled by a combination of application ACLs and Domino policies (or plugin_customization.ini preferences), as well as widget categories.

Power users can configure new widgets and publish them to the catalog for user access. Users obtain the latest widgets from the catalog on a scheduled basis. Depending on how users are configured, they can browse the catalog for new widgets and update the widgets in their local catalog replica on demand.

Catalog documents

Each widget is represented in the catalog as a Notes® document containing the following elements.

Users with the [Admins ] role see a security section in the widget. For more information on reviewing widget security, see the related topic on administering the Domino OpenSocial component.

If you are using the catalog as an XPages application, users who are configured to do so can Rate, Tag, or Comment on the widget documents.

Catalog views

The catalog is supplied with the following views:

There are several other Administration catalog view options available.

If you are using the catalog as an XPages application, the catalog has expanded view and search capabilities. You can view entries in the widget catalog by author, by category, by type, or simply view all widgets. You can display widgets for specific products, such as IBM Notes, IBM Sametime, or IBM Symphony®. While browsing the widget catalog you can add comments, tags and ratings to widgets.

Catalog access rights

The administrator can assign catalog access rights based on user type, using a combination of Notes application ACLs and policy or preference settings.

Catalog action buttons

The catalog classic views contain the following action buttons:

Related concepts
Widgets and Live Text overview
Creating a features and plugins deployment widget
Default Widgets and Live Text behavior
Controlling Widgets and Live Text access using Domino policy
Controlling Widgets and Live Text access using Eclipse preferences
Configuring the Domino OpenSocial component

Related tasks
Creating the widget catalog