Registering users from a text file
When registering users from a text file, you can import them through the Import Text File button on the Register Person dialog box, which places users as entries in the User Registration Queue and allows you to modify user settings individually.

About this task

If you want to add the text file to the NOTES.INI file so that Notes® does not prompt you to browse for the text file, enter BatchRegFile= filename to the NOTES.INI file.

You can also define a separator for the text file by adding BatchRegSeparator = character to the NOTES.INI file. The separator character cannot be a character used in any of the user parameter settings in the text file. If you do not specify a BatchRegSeparator, a semicolon (;) separator is used.

Settings applied to a group of users

About this task

These user settings are available for you to modify before using the menu (choose People -> People -> Register) to import and register users. Notes applies these settings to all users in the group.

Setting up the text file

About this task

To set up a text file, create a line in the text file for each user. Enter the parameters for each user in exactly the order shown in table 1. Use one semicolon to separate parameters, and use one semicolon to take the place of each contiguous parameter that you decide not to specify.

For example, this line in a text file specifies only a last name and password:


This line in a text file specifies a complete name, home server, and User Setup policies:

Alexis;Catherine;R.;;password1;;;Marketing / Renovations;;;;;;Marketing Profile

Note that only the last name and password parameters are required.

Table 1. User parameters for registration text files
1<nozeros>Last nameThe last name of the user. This parameter is required.
2<nozeros>First nameThe first name of the user.
3<nozeros>Middle initialThe middle initial of the user.
4<nozeros>Organizational unitA name for another level to add to the hierarchical name. This name distinguishes between two users who have the same name and are certified by the same certifier.
5<nozeros>PasswordA password for the user. This parameter is required.
6<nozeros>ID file directoryThe directory in which you want to store the user's ID. You can store the ID in this directory in addition to or instead of as an attachment in the Domino Directory.

You must create the directory before registration. For this parameter to take effect, select the In File option on the ID Info panel for storing the user ID. This parameter overrides the default ID directory shown in the Register Person - New Entry dialog box.

7<nozeros>ID file nameThe name you want to assign to the ID file. This file name applies only if you store an ID in an ID file directory. If you do not specify a user ID file name, the name on the ID is based on the person's name.
8<nozeros>Mail server nameThe name of the user's mail server. This parameter overrides the one you select during registration.
9<nozeros>Mail file directoryThe mail file directory for the user.
10<nozeros>Mail file nameThe name for the user's mail file. If you do not use this parameter, the name is based on the person's name if the person uses Notes mail.
11<nozeros>LocationDescriptive location information that is added to the user's Person document. If someone addresses mail to this user and there is another user with the same name, Notes displays the location to help the sender distinguish the two users.
12<nozeros>CommentAn identifying comment that is added to the user's Person document.
13<nozeros>Forwarding addressThe full route to the user -- for example, If you don't enter this information in the text file, you can edit the Forwarding address field in the user's Person document. This parameter is used only for Other and Other Internet mail users.
14<nozeros>ProfileThe name of the user setup profile.
15<nozeros>Local administratorThe name of a user who has Author access to the Domino Directory. This person can modify the user's Person document.
16<nozeros>Internet addressThe Internet address of the user. This parameter is required for Notes, POP3, iNotes®, and IMAP mail.
17<nozeros>Short nameThis name is entered by default. A short name is used to create a return Internet address if the Internet address is not entered.
18<nozeros>Alternate nameThe alternate name of the user. Note that the certifier ID used to register this user must contain the alternate name language.
19<nozeros>Alternate org unitA word that distinguishes two users who have the same name and are certified by the same certifier ID. Note that the certifier ID used to register this user must contain the alternate name language.
20<nozeros>Mail template fileThe file name of the mail template you want to use.

To register users from a text file

About this task

Notes uses the certifier ID specified in Administration Preferences; or if there is none, it uses the ID specified in the CertifierIDFile setting of the NOTES.INI file.


1. Make sure that you have the following before you begin registration:

2. Use a text editor to create a text file that contains ID information for each user.

3. From the Domino Administrator, click the People & Groups tab.

4. From the Servers pane, choose the server to work from.

5. Select Domino Directories and then click People.

6. Complete Step 7 or Step 8, depending on how you want to import and register users.

7. To register users and apply individual settings:

8. To register users and apply settings to them as a group:
Related concepts
User registration methods
User registration

Related tasks
Defining default settings for Notes user registration
Using Advanced Notes user registration with the Domino Administrator
Setting Domino Administrator preferences