Enabling LDAP alternate language searches
To enable LDAP alternate language searches, you configure the LDAP service to allow them, and add the language tags to entries. Use an Alternate Language Information document in the Domino® Directory to add language tags to a Person document. Use LDAP add and modify operations to add language tags to any other type of entry.

RFC 2596 defines language tags that you can append to an attribute to define an alternate language value for the attribute. For example, givenName;lang-fr=Etienne defines Etienne as a French value for the givenName attribute. The LDAP service supports language tags.

Many LDAP clients do not support language tags in search queries. Such LDAP clients can specify, for example, givenName=Etienne to find an entry with givenName;lang-fr=Etienne defined.

Alternate Language Information documents allow LDAP clients to use alternate languages when searching Person documents in the Domino Directory. To allow LDAP clients to perform searches in an alternate language, you associate Person documents with Alternate Language Information documents. When you create an Alternate Language Information document, the LDAP service tags the attributes in the Person document with a corresponding value in the alternate language. For example, if the FirstName field in the Person document is Steven, you can create an Alternate Language Information document that uses Etienne as the French value.

Configuring the LDAP service to allow LDAP alternate language searches

Follow these steps to allow all servers in a domain that run the LDAP service to process LDAP alternate language searches:

1. In the Directory Profile, enable support for LDAP alternate language searches:

2. In the domain Configuration Settings document, enable support for LDAP alternate language searches:
Using an Alternate Language Information document to define language subattributes for a Person document

To add LDAP language tags for a specific language to a Person document (dominoPerson entry), create an Alternate Language Information document that is associated with the Person document. The Alternate Language Information document contains a subset of the fields in the Person document, for which you assign values in the alternate language. You can create multiple Alternate Language Information documents for one Person document. You can create Alternate Language Information documents in any Domino Directory that the LDAP service serves.

To add LDAP language tags for a specific language to a Domino Person document:

1. From the Domino Administrator, open the Domino Directory that contains the Person document.

2. Click the People & Groups tab.

3. Select People, and open the Person document to which you want to add the language tags.

4. Choose Actions -> Add Alternate Language Information.

5. Click the Basics tab, and do the following:

6. Click the Work/Home tab, and enter values in the selected language for any of the fields in the Work, Home, and Corporate Hierarchy tabs.

7. Save and close the document.

Viewing Alternate Language Information documents

To view the Alternate Language Information documents associated with Person documents:

1. From the Domino Administrator, click the Files tab, and open the Domino Directory.

2. Expand the People view, and select the Alternate Languages view.

Related concepts
Corporate hierarchies
Customizing the LDAP service configuration
The LDAP service

Related tasks
Processing LDAP operations using a secondary Domino Directory or extended directory catalog