Move a mail file from one server to another
You can use the Administration Process to move a person's mail file from one server in your domain to another by performing a Move Mail File action in the Domino® Directory or the Domino Administrator. The Maintain trends database record request is executed as part of a mail file move initiated due to resource balancing initiated by the Activity Trends tool.

Check mail server's access

Triggered by: The administrator performing a Move Mail File action from the Domino Administrator or the Domino Directory.

Carried out on: Home server for the mail file as designated in the Person document.

Carried out: Immediately

Result: Checks for a Connection document between the old and new mail file servers, and sets up the ACLs so that the old and new servers have Manager access. If it is the administration server of the mail file, posts the Create new mail replica request. If it is not the administration server for the mail file, posts a Promote new mail server's access administration request.

Verify hosted organization storage

Triggered by: Successful completion of the Check mail server's access request or the Promote new mail server's access request.

Carried out on: Destination server.

Carried out: Immediately

Result: Verifies whether the destination server hosts the hosted organization to which the user belongs. Generated the Create new mail replica request.

Promote new mail server's access

Triggered by: Execution of a Check mail server's access administration request. The home server is not the administration server of the mail file.

Carried out on: The administration server of the mail file.

Carried out: Immediately

Result: Set up the ACLs so that the old and new mail servers are listed as having Manager access. Posts a Create new mail file replica administration request.

Create new mail file replica

Triggered by: Successful processing of the Check mail server's access administration request.

Carried out on: Home server for the mail file as designated in the Person document.

Carried out: Immediately

Result: Creates a replica copy of the old mail file on the new mail server. If Activity Trends is not running on the source server, posts the Add new mail file fieldsrequest. If Activity Trends is running on the source servers, posts the Maintain Trends database recordrequest on the source server.

Change the server on which the agent runs

This request is generated only when there is an agent of the source server that needs to be signed by the destination server prior to running the agent.

Triggered by: The presence of an agent on the source server that must be signed by the destination server after the database is moved and can run on the destination server.

Carried out on: The destination server.

Carried out: Immediately

Result: If all access checks succeed, the agent is signed by the destination server and can be run according to normal processing.

Maintain Trends database record

Triggered by: Initiating the mail file move action as a result of resource balancing recommendations generated by the Activity Trends tools and successful completion of the Create new mail file replica administration request.

Carried out on: The source server for the mail file being moved.

Carried out: Immediately

Result: Copies the database record from the source server to the destination server. If appropriate, it retires the database record on the source server.

Add new mail file fields

To allow the Add new mail file fields request to run successfully, the source server must have at least Author access control rights with Modify User Roles to the Domino Directory.

Triggered by: Completion of the Create new mail replica administration request.

Carried out on: The administration server for the Domino Directory.

Carried out: Immediately

Result: Posts the Monitor new mail file fields administration request. Creates two fields, New mail file and New mail server in the Person document.

Monitor new mail file fields

Triggered by: Completion of the Add new mail file fields administration request.

Carried out on: The new mail file server.

Carried out: When the router recognizes the new mail server for the mail file.

Result: Verifies that new fields are added to the Person document on the new mail server and that the router can route the mail to the server. Posts the Replace mail file fields administration request.

Replace mail file fields

To allow the Replace mail file fields request to run successfully, the target server must have at least Author access control rights with Modify User Roles to the Domino Directory.

Triggered by: Completion of the Monitor new mail file fields request.

Carried out on: The administration server for the Domino Directory.

Carried out: Immediately

Result: New mail server information is added to fields. Removes new fields from the Person document. Places Old mail file and Old mail server fields in the Person document. The server sets a flag in the Person document to update the client.

Note: The user must now access their home server through the desktop so that Connection and Location documents in the Personal Domino Directory are updated with the new mail file and new mail server information. After the Personal Domino Directory is updated, Notes® creates a Push changes to new mail server request, which initiates the mail file delete sequence on the old mail server. If the user accesses the home server exclusively through the Replicator, the Personal Domino Directory is not updated and the Push changes to new mail server request is not created.

Push changes to new mail server

Triggered by: Client authenticating with the home server after a Replace mail file fields request is completed.

Carried out on: The home mail server.

Carried out: Immediately

Result: Pushes the last set of changes and mail to the new mail file. Posts the Get file Information for Deletion request.

Get file information for deletion

Triggered by: Completion of the Push changes to new mail server administration request.

Carried out on: The old mail server.

Carried out: According to the Interval setting in the Administration Process section of the Server document.

Result: Gathers the replica ID of the mail file and posts the Approve file deletion administration request.

Approve file deletion

Triggered by: Successful completion of the Get file information for deletion administration request.

Carried out on: Any server.

Carried out: According to the administrator's discretion.

Result: Posts the Request file deletion administration request.

Request file deletion

Triggered by: The administrator's approval of the Approve file deletion request.

Carried out on: The administration server for the Domino Directory.

Carried out: According to the Interval setting in the Administration Process section of the Server document.

Result: Posts the Delete mail file administration request.

Delete mail file

Triggered by: Completion of the Request file deletion administration request.

Carried out on: The original home mail server.

Carried out: According to the Interval setting in the Administration Process section of the Server document.

Result: The old mail file is deleted from the original home mail server.

Delete obsolete change request

Triggered by: Expiration of the period in which the client's personal Domino Directory will be modified with the new mail server's information. You can use the Mail file moves expire after field in the Administration Process section of the home server's Server document to change the expiration period.

Carried out on: The administration server for the Domino Directory.

Carried out: According to the Execute once a day requests at setting for the Administration Process in the Server document.

Result: New mail client update flag field is removed from the Person document.

Timing for moving a mail file from one server to another

Table 1. Timing options
Check mail server's accessImmediate
Verify hosted organization storageImmediate
Promote new mail server's accessImmediate
Create new mail replicaImmediate
Add new mail file fieldsImmediate
Monitor new mail file fieldsWhen the router recognizes the new mail server for the mail file
Replace mail file fieldsImmediate
Push changes to new mail serverImmediate
Get file information for deletionInterval
Approve file deletionAdministrator's discretion
Request file deletionInterval
Delete mail fileInterval
Delete unlinked mail fileInterval
Delete obsolete change requestDaily

Related concepts
Administration process requests
Resource balancing and activity trends