Displaying and manipulating statistic charts
You can view a chart of historical or real-time performance statistics. Use a real-time chart to view a current performance problem or assess current peak usage. Use a historical chart to monitor statistics over period of time.

Before you begin

Before you chart statistics that are in vastly different number ranges -- for example, dead mail, which has a usual range of 0 to 10, and disk space, which might be in gigabytes -- enable Autoscale. Disable Autoscale when you chart statistics that all have a low number range, for example, from 0 to 500

About this task

The charting feature is not available in the Web Administrator.

To change the color of a statistic


1. From the Domino® Administrator, click the Server -> Performance tab.

2. Click the color bar on the statistic list.

3. In the Line Color dialog box, click the arrow, and do one of the following:

To change the layout of the panes

About this task

You can change the layout of the chart display using the Performance Monitor menu or the layout button:

[!PICTURE! !views icon.gif! !Statistic chart layout button!]


1. From the Domino Administrator, click Server -> Performance.

2. From one of the Statistics charting views, choose Performance Monitor -> Layout, and then choose one:

To manipulate statistic performance charts

About this task

You can manipulate statistic performance charts in a number of ways.

Table 1. Ways to view the information on statistics performance charts
Task Action
Stop or start the chartingClick the Stop or Start button.
Get a numerical representation of a graphical statisticClick the statistic in the profile list. Then look at the bar area between the profile list and the chart.
Get a textual representation of the statistic chartDouble-click the chart to display a document that you can edit and print.
Chart an isolated statisticDouble-click a graph line.

To add or remove a statistic

About this task

You can add or remove a statistic or a server from a statistic chart without affecting the statistic profile.


1. Select the statistic profile.

2. Do any of the following:

3. Save the profile.

Related concepts
Charting statistics