Marking or unmarking a CA's certificate as a trusted root
Remove a CA's certificate as a trusted root from the server certificate when you no longer want to communicate with servers and clients that use certificates signed by that CA.


1. Map a drive to the directory that contains the key ring file.

2. From the Domino® Administrator, click the Files tab, and open the Server Certificate Admin application.

3. Click View & Edit Key Rings.

4. Click Choose Key Ring to Display.

5. Enter the name of the key ring file that contains the certificates you want to view.

6. Enter the password for the key ring file.

7. In the Certification Authorities category, open the document that contains the certificate you want to edit.

8. Click one:

9. Enter the password for the key ring file.

Parent topic: Managing server certificates and certificate requests
Previous topic: Changing the password for the server key ring file
Next topic: Viewing requests for certificates

Related tasks
Managing server certificates and certificate requests