Change Manager tell commands
You can use the Tell Change Man command at the console to control the Domino® Change Manager.

The following options are available.

Table 1. Tell Change Man options
Tell Change Man QuitStops the Change Manager and all plug-ins.
Tell Change Man StopStops the Change Manager and all plug-ins. Same as Quit.
Tell Change Man ExitStops the Change Manager and all plug-ins. Same as Quit.
Tell Change Man HelpRefers you to documentation.
Tell Change Man ?Refers you to documentation. Same as Help.
Tell Change Man RestartStops and then restarts the Change Manager and all plug-in subsystems.
Tell Change Man start plug-in Starts the plug-in. Currently, Control and Monitor are the defined plug-ins.
Tell Change Man stop plug-in Stops the plug-in. Currently, Control and Monitor are the defined plug-ins.

Note: Alternatively, you can also use the forms plug-in stop, plug-in quit and plug-in kill.

Tell Change Man Restart plug-in Stops and then starts the plug-in. Currently, Control and Monitor are the defined plug-ins.

Note: Alternatively, you can also use the form plug-in restart.

Tell Change Man plug-in CommandAttempts to issue the command to the named plug-in, if it exists and is running.
Tell Change Man ResetResets the internal lookup caches.
Tell Change Man Control ProcessRequests the PlanControl (control) plug-in to process and check all plans.