Validating your customized Notes install kit
The customized Notes® install kit validation tool leverages an existing Lotus® Expeditor install kit validation tool to help administrators ensure that any customization they have done to the Notes install kit, for example adding or removing features from the and its site.xml index, are valid.

Running the tool after kit customization and before Notes install or upgrade alleviates any problems with install due to potential errors made during kit customization. The validation tool is part of the Apps directory toolkit available with the Notes install kit.

See the related topics for a Lotus Expeditor wiki article on using the validation tool.

Related concepts
Customizing the Notes install manifest for supplied Eclipse features
Customizing the Notes install manifest for new or third-party Eclipse features

Related tasks
Customizing Notes install for features and plug-ins on Windows and Mac
Adding and removing components from the Notes install kit using UpdateSiteMgr

Related information
Using the Validation Tool to Verify a Modified Install Kit