To install the WebSphere plug-in on an IIS server
Use this procedure to install the IBM® WebSphere® plug-in on the IIS server and enable it for a Web site.

Before you begin

Before beginning this procedure, you should be familiar with the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager configuration tool. On Microsoft™ Windows™ 2000/2003, this tool is accessed through the Microsoft Management Console.

About this task

As stated in Tech Note 1260208, the Web Server plug-ins for the WebSphere Application server no longer ship with the Domino® plugins file kit (the plugin-cfg.xml and iisWASPlugin_http.dll files). To obtain the latest release of these two Web Server plug-in files for the WebSphere Application server, see the IBM software downloads - Trials and demos Web site in the related links.


1. Create the following directory structure on the IIS machine (you may use any drive);

2. Download the Web server plug-in files for WAS from the IBM software downloads - Trials and demos Web site in the related links.
3. Copy the plug-in files to the IIS server.
4. Start the Internet Information Services Manager application.

5. Create a new Virtual Directory for the Web site instance you want to work with WebSphere. To do this with a default installation, expand Web Sites in the Internet Information Services navigation until you see Default Web Site. Right-click Default Web Site and select New -> Virtual Directory. This opens the wizard for adding a Virtual Directory.

6. In the Alias field, enter sePlugins.

7. In the Directory field, browse to the WebSphere bin directory (C:\WebSphere\AppServer\bin).

8. For access permissions, check Execute and uncheck all other permissions.

9. Click Finish. A virtual directory titled sePlugins is added to your default Web site.

10. In this step, follow the appropriate procedure for your version of Windows.

11. Click Add. This opens the Filter Properties dialog.

12. In the Filter Namefield, type iisWASPlugin.

13. In the Executable field, browse to the WebSphere bin directory and select iisWASPlugin_http.dll.

14. Close all open windows by clicking OK.

15. In this step, follow the appropriate procedure for your version of WebSphere.

16. To enable the plug-in for additional Web sites, repeat Steps 4 through 8.


For more information, see Configuring Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) in the WebSphere Application Server Information center in the related links.

Related information
IBM software downloads - Trials and demos
Configuring Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) in WebSphere Application Server Version 6.1 Information center