Communicate deployment to users
Tell Notes® users how to obtain the widget or inform them they will be automatically provisioned with the widget, and the feature it is designed to deploy, upon their next catalog update.


1. Install the widget from the catalog.

2. Respond to any feature installation prompts that appear.
3. Upon restart, note the addition of the FeatureABX widget in the My Widgets sidebar panel and the feature called by that widget.
Parent topic: Deploying client plug-ins with widgets and the widget catalog
Previous topic: Test the deployment widget

Related concepts
Controlling Widgets and Live Text access using Domino policy
Controlling Widgets and Live Text access using Eclipse preferences
Customizing the Notes install manifest for new or third-party Eclipse features

Related tasks
Deploying client plug-ins with widgets and the widget catalog
Updating a widget-deployed client feature or plug-in