Delete Database
You can delete (retract) a database and, optionally, delete all replicas of the database.

You can delete databases using these AdminP (Administration Process) requests.

Get Replica Information for Deletion

Purpose: The application supported by the database is now obsolete and all replicas of the database can be removed.

Triggered by: From the Domino® Administrator, choosing the Files tab, selecting the database you are deleting, and then choose Files -> Delete. Or, choose the database on the bookmarks or workspace and choose Database -> Delete.

Carried out on: All servers in the domain.

Carried out: Immediately

Result: AdminP reads the database ACL to verify that the request signer is the database Manager. If so, it generates an Approve Replica Deletion request for the server administrator to accept or reject. If the signer is not a database administrator, an Event is logged.

Approve Replica

Triggered by: Successful completion of the Get Replica Information for Deletion request.

Carried out on: Any server.

Carried out: According to the administrator's discretion.

Result: Posts the Request Replica Deletion request.

Request Replica Deletion

Triggered by: The administrator's approval of the Approve Replica Deletion request.

Carried out on: The administration server for the Domino Directory.

Carried out: According to the Interval setting in the Administration Process section of the Server document.

Result: Posts the Delete Replica request.

Delete Replica

Triggered by: Completion of the Request Replica Deletion request.

Carried out on: Server on which the database exists.

Carried out: According to the Interval setting in the Administration Process section of the Server document.

Result: The replica is deleted.

Related concepts
Administration process requests

Related tasks
Deleting databases