Monitoring a cluster
Domino® provides several ways to find out what is happening in a cluster and make adjustments to keep the cluster running smoothly and efficiently, so that no server is overloaded. You can monitor failover, workload balancing, and cluster replication to see how efficiently the cluster is running.

When running as part of a cluster, a Domino server constantly monitors its workload, the workload of the other servers in the cluster, and the availability of databases throughout the cluster. In addition, Domino monitors statistics and events that are relevant to a cluster.

There are many ways to view this information. For example, you can view it from the server console or in the log file or in the Statistics pane in the Domino Administrator. In addition, you can collect statistic reports in the Monitoring Results database and then use the Domino Administrator to look at the statistic reports.

Related tasks
Displaying a list of cluster members and their availability
Enabling statistic reporting in the Monitoring Results database
Viewing Cluster Manager events and statistics
Viewing cluster replication events and statistics
Using Tell commands to display cluster replication information
Monitoring all the servers in a cluster at the same time