Signing server certificates using the Certificate Requests database
A Domino® administrator can request a server certificate from a server-based CA in order to enable SSL on a Domino server. The request is entered and processed in the Certificate Request database, where administrators approve or deny the request.

About this task

If you chose Automatic as the processing method used by the Certificate Requests database, you need only to complete Step 3. If you chose Manual processing, then complete the entire procedure.

To sign a server certificate request


1. From the Domino Administrator, open the Certificate Requests database.

2. Transfer the certificate request to the Administration Requests database:

3. Have an RA who is listed for this certifier approve the request.
4. Transfer the certificate request out of the Administration Requests database:
5. The certifier signs the request for a server certificate and notifies the requester to pick up the certificate.

Related tasks
Setting up SSL on a Domino server