Using a proxy server to connect the Web Navigator to the Internet
You can set up the Web Navigator to connect to the Internet through a proxy server instead of using an Internet Service Provider (ISP) to connect directly to the Internet. If you don't specify a proxy, you must use a direct Internet connection to access the Internet.

Before you begin

Make sure that:


1. From the Domino® Administrator, click the Configuration tab.

2. Expand the Server section and click All Server Documents.

3. Open the Server document for the Web Navigator server.

4. Click the Ports -> Proxies tab, complete these fields, and then save the document:

5. Edit the Server document for the Web Navigator.

Editing the Server document for the Web Navigator

About this task

Make sure that you already set up the connection between the server and the Internet. If necessary, use a proxy server to connect the server to the Internet.


1. From the Domino Administrator, click the Configuration tab.

2. Expand the Server section and click All Server Documents.

3. Open the Server document for the Web Navigator server.

4. Click the Basics tab.

5. Open the Server Location Information section and go to the Servers section. For the InterNotes server field, enter the hierarchical name of the server running the Web task. This is the default server to use if the InterNotes server field in the user's Location document is blank.

6. Save and close the document.

7. Set up users to use the Web Navigator.

8. Restart the Web task on the server.

Related tasks
Starting and stopping the Web Navigator program
Setting up users to use the Web Navigator
Setting up a Web Navigator server