Store directory type in Server record
The Store Directory Type in Server Record request adds a value to a new field in the Server document called Configuration Directory Only to indicate whether or not the directory is a Configuration directory.

The Server record (document) is updated with a 0 (zero) if it is a standard Domino® Directory, or with a 1 (one) if it is a Configuration Only Directory. A special replication formula is created to remove the names and groups from the Domino Directory replica during the next replication.

Triggered by: A server triggers this request the first time it starts up in this release and during subsequent startups if it detects a change involving the Configuration Documents only replication setting.

Carried out on: Administration server for the Domino Directory.

Carried out: According to the Interval setting in the Administration Process section of the Server document.

Result: Updates the Server document with a 0 or 1 according to the type of directory it is.

Related concepts
Administration process requests