Using scheduled replication in a cluster
You should run standard replication on a regular basis. The number of times per day you run standard replication depends on how important it is for you to keep all replicas synchronized. In most cases, once or twice per day is sufficient. If it is absolutely critical to keeps data synchronized at all times, you may want to replicate every hour or two.

In addition, you should replicate whenever you start the server to be sure that all databases are up-to-date. You can create a Program document in the Domino® Directory to accomplish this.

Note: You should use standard replication in a cluster to be sure that all databases are up-to-date. This is particularly important when you restart a cluster server after it stopped running.

There are many reasons to use scheduled replication in a cluster:

Related concepts
Setting up a cluster

Related tasks
Replicating with all servers in a cluster