Upgrading a server to hierarchical
Use the Rename server command from Domino® Administrator to upgrade a server from a flat server name to a hierarchical server name.

Initiate rename in Domino Directory

Triggered by: Performing an upgrade server to hierarchical in the Domino Directory.

Carried out on: The administration server for the Domino Administrator.

Carried out: According to the Interval setting for the Administration Process in the Server document.

Result: A new certified public key is assigned to the server and the Certified Public Key field in the Server document is updated.

Rename server in Domino Directory

Triggered by: The server polls its server document data looking for its new public key. The Rename server in Domino Directory administration request is triggered by the server recognizing that its name has changed.

Carried out on: The administration server for the Domino Directory.

Carried out: According to the Interval setting for the Administration Process in the Server document.

Result: Update the server's name in the Domino Directory. Posts a Rename in Access Control List request and a Rename in Person documents request.

Rename in Access Control List

Triggered by: Completion of the Rename server in Domino Directory request.

Carried out on: All servers with databases that have been assigned administration servers.

Carried out: According to the Interval setting for the Administration Process in the Server document.

Result: Updates the ACLs with the new server name.

Rename in Person documents

Triggered by: Completion of the Rename server in Domino Directory request.

Carried out on: The administration server for the Domino Directory.

Carried out: According to the Execute once a day request at setting for the Administration Process in the Server document.

Result: Updates the Person documents and posts a Rename in Reader / Author fields request.

Rename in Reader / Author fields

Triggered by: Completion of the Rename in Person documents request.

Carried out on: All servers.

Carried out: According to the Start executing on and Start executing at settings for the Administration Process in the Server document.

Result: The Reader / Author fields are updated.

Delete obsolete change requests

Requests are carried out only if change requests have expired according to the Name_Change_Expiration_Days setting in the NOTES.INI file.

Triggered by: Expiration of the period in which other servers in the domain can recognize both the old name and the new name of the server. The default is 21 days, but the administrator can set the Name_Change_Expiration_Days variable in the NOTES.INI file to a value between 7 and 60.

Carried out on: The administration server for the Domino Directory.

Carried out: According to the Execute once a day request at setting for the Administration Process in the Server document.

Result: The Change Request is deleted.

Timing for upgrading server to hierarchical

Table 1. Server upgrade request and timing descriptions
Initiate Rename in Domino DirectoryInterval
Rename Server in Domino DirectoryInterval
Rename in Access Control ListInterval
Rename in Person DocumentsExecute once a day requests at
Rename in Reader / Author FieldsStart executing on

Start executing at

Delete Obsolete Change RequestsExecute once a day requests at

Related concepts
Administration process requests

Related tasks
Upgrading a Domino server name to hierarchical

Related reference
Rename server - Cross domain administration request