Signing a database or template
You can sign a template or database to vouch for its integrity. You might want to do this, for example, to sign an agent so that the Agent Manager on a server can verify that the signer has the rights to execute the agent. Or you might sign a database or template so an ECL on a Notes® client can evaluate which database actions to carry out.

About this task

If you sign a template, any databases created from the template inherit the signature.

Note: If you want to sign only one specific design document or one design element in a document, for example, a specific agent, you must first determine the Note ID for the document. To determine the Note ID for a document, right-click the document in a view, click Document Properties, and then click the last tab of the properties box (Document IDs). The Note ID is listed on the last line of the tab, for example NT00000902.


1. Select the server that stores the databases or templates that you want to sign.

2. On the Files tab, select the databases or templates that you want to sign.

3. Choose Tools -> Database -> Sign.

4. Choose one of the following:

5. Choose one of the following options to specify which elements to sign: 6. Select Update existing signatures only (faster) to update only design elements that have been signed previously. Use this to change the signature on previously signed design elements.

7. Click OK. A dialog box shows the number of databases processed and the number of errors that occurred (if any).

Related concepts
Database design, management, and administration

Related tasks
The execution control list