Setting up a Fault Reports database
The Notes/Domino Fault Reports database stores data that is collected at the time of a server crash. Data is collected from both the client and the server and can then be used to measure client reliability and determine the areas where problems exist.

About this task

A Fault Reports database is created by default during first server setup in the domain. Optionally, you can set up additional Fault Reports databases -- for example, you may want to separate the data from client and server crashes. You would then specify different Fault Reports databases on various Server Configuration and Desktop Setting documents. However, it is not necessary that you do so.

When you create a new Fault Reports database, the administration process generates an administration process request that automatically creates the mail-in database document for you.

The Notes/Domino Fault Reports database is created for your domain during first server setup. You can, however, create additional fault report databases if needed.


1. From the Domino® Administrator, click the Server tab

2. Click Analysis.

3. From the Tools pane, click Analyze -> Open Fault Reports.

4. Enter the server name/domain name in the Server field.

5. Enter a unique file name with the file name extension of .NSF.

6. Enter the database title.

7. Click Create.

Related concepts
Collecting diagnostic information after a server or client crash
Understanding the desktop policy settings document
Transaction logging
Fault recovery

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