ldapsearch utility
Domino® and Notes® provide a command-line search utility, LDAPSEARCH.EXE, that you use to search entries in any LDAP directory. The ldapsearch utility connects to a directory server and returns results that match search criteria you specify. It is available on Domino server and Notes client platforms.

To use this tool, the NOTES.INI file must be included in your system's path statement.

To use ldapsearch, enter the following command from the Domino or Notes program directory:

ldapsearch parameters searchfilter attributes


You do not have to use ldapsearch from a machine that runs the Domino LDAP service.

Note: If your client users have a condensed directory catalog that is encrypted, to run ldapsearch from the Notes program directory, you must specify the password associated with the Notes ID used to perform the encryption.

Related concepts
The LDAP service

Related tasks
Table of ldapsearch parameters
Using search filters with ldapsearch
Table of operators used in ldapsearch search filters
Using ldapsearch to return operational attributes
Examples of using ldapsearch