Notes installation directories for Windows
Recommended and default IBM® Notes® installation and upgrade directories on a Microsoft™ Windows™ system are as follows.

Note: If Notes is currently installed, the default path is the current Notes installation path. When you install Notes single user on a system on which Notes 6.5 or 7.x is already installed, the traditional Notes portion of the product is upgraded and installed to the same directory in which the existing Notes install binaries currently reside, for example C:\IBM\Notes. The Notes data directory is assumed to be the directory where the existing Notes install data files exist, for example C:\IBM\Notes\data. Additional IBM Lotus® Expeditor framework files are installed to a \framework subdirectory, for example C:\IBM\Notes\framework.

Table 1. Default and Suggested Windows Single-user Directories for Notes Install
C:\Program Files\IBM\NotesNotes product and binary files installation directory
C:\Program Files\IBM\Notes\dataNotes single-user data files installation directory
C:\Program Files\IBM\Notes\data\workspaceNotes single-user workspace directory
C:\Program Files\IBM\Notes\frameworkRecommended Notes Java™ code installation directory

Table 2. Default and Suggested Windows XP Multi-user Directories for Notes Install
C:\Program Files\IBM\NotesNotes multi-user default binary files installation directory
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Application Data\IBM\Notes\dataNotes data files installation directory for each user
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Application Data\IBM\Notes\Data\workspaceNotes workspace directory for each user
C:\Program Files\IBM\Notes\frameworkNotes Java code installation directory
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\IBM\Notes\DataShared data directory

Table 3. Default and Suggested Windows Vista Multi-user Directories for Notes install
C:\Program Files\IBM\NotesNotes multi-user default binary files installation directory
C:\Program Files\IBM\Notes\dataNotes multi-user shared resources and templates installation directory
C:\Users\user name\AppData\Local\IBM\Notes\dataNotes multi-user default data installation directory
C:\Users\user name\AppData\Local\IBM\Notes\data\workspaceNotes multi-user workspace directory for each user
C:\Program Files\IBM\Notes\frameworkNotes Java code installation directory

Note: On a Windows system in which an existing Notes installation is detected (6.5.x, 7x, or 8.x), the existing installation directories will be reused.

Table 4. Default and Suggested 64-bit Windows 7 and 8 Directories for Notes Install
C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\NotesDefault program directory
C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Notes\dataDefault data directory for single user install
C:\Users\username\App Data\Local\IBM\Notes\dataDefault data directory for multi-user install

Note: As a 32-bt application, Notes must be installed to C:\Program Files (x86)\... or another directory name such as C:\IBM\Notes; it cannot be installed to C:\Program Files. This is a requirement of the 64-bit Windows 7 and 8 operating systems. Instead of trying to install to C:\Program Files\IBM\Notes and C:\Program Files\IBM\Notes\data, install to C:\IBM\Notes and C:\IBM\Notes\data (not placing it in any particular Program directory). All files will install correctly to this Notes folder.

Related concepts
Considerations for installing and upgrading Notes on Windows

Related tasks
Windows Vista considerations for Notes install, upgrade, and uninstall
Installing and upgrading Notes on Windows for single user
Installing and upgrading Notes on Windows for multi-user