Setting up the sample self-service application to allow ID vault users to reset their Notes passwords
A Domino® server comes with the Sample Web Agent - Reset User Password application (PwdResetSample.nsf). The application contains a sample LotusScript® agent called UserPasswordReset that enables users with IDs stored in an ID vault to reset their Notes® passwords from a browser. A user who has forgotten his or her Notes password might do this to specify a new one.

About this task

This application is intended as an example for you to customize to suit your needs. By default, users use their HTTP passwords to log into a Domino Web server in the domain that is authorized to run the agent. The agent code also provides examples of setting up the agent not to require HTTP authentication or to allow users to specify the number of ID downloads they are allowed for ID recovery.


1. Open the PwdResetSample.nsf database located in the data directory of a Domino server and modify the database ACL as follows:

2. From Domino Designer, open PwdResetSample.nsf and perform the following steps to sign the UserPasswordReset agent using a Notes ID that you will trust to reset passwords. Using an ID created specifically for this purpose is recommended.
3. Decide which server or servers in the Domino domain to allow to run the agent on behalf of the agent signer specified in Step 2. Then in the Server document of each in the Domino Directory, give the name of the agent signer Sign or run restricted LotusScript/Java agents access. A server does not have to be a vault server to run the agent.

4. Copy the signed PwdResetSample.nsf to the data directory of each server that will run it.

5. Assign password reset authority to the following names:

6. Specify instructions to display for users who forget their passwords.

7. Consider disabling the default requirement that users change passwords after they are reset, so that users who reset their passwords do not have to change passwords again afterwards.

8. Run the HTTP task on each server that is allowed to run the agent.

What to do next

Users whose IDs have been uploaded to the vault can now perform the following steps to reset their Notes passwords:

1. Launch a Web browser and open the sample application by specifying a URL such as the following one:

2. Log in to the HTTP server.

3. In the Reset User Password window, type and confirm a new password, then click Reset My Password.

Related tasks
Assigning password reset authority
Creating and configuring an ID vault