Setting up security for Microsoft IIS
When you have set up an IIS plug-in and a DominoŽ back-end server, Web applications are subject to both IIS security and Domino security. After IIS authenticates a user based on the Microsoft™ Windows™ account registry, those credentials, if any, are passed to Domino for user authorization.

About this task

Microsoft IIS supports four methods of user authentication. The Domino plug-in configuration supports all except Digest authentication.

IIS requires user authentication in order to control access to resources owned by IIS such as the file system and Active Server Pages. If a user requests access to a Domino resource, the IIS plug-in passes the authentication information to Domino. The information passed depends on the combination of authentication methods enabled on IIS.

After the information is passed, Domino authenticates the user according to the procedures discussed in the topic Understanding Microsoft IIS security setup options in the related links. All of the Domino directory options are available, such as using multiple Domino Directories and LDAP directories.

To set up security on the IIS server:


1. Start the Internet Services Manager

2. Right-click the IIS Web site and select Properties.

3. Click the Directory Security tab.

4. Click Edit in the Anonymous Access and Authentication Control section.

5. Choose one or more of the authentication options and click OK.


For more information on the plug-in, including installing it on Microsoft Windows Vista, see Installing Web server plug-ins in the WebSphereŽ Application Server Information center.

Related concepts
Overview of Domino security

Related reference
Understanding Microsoft IIS security setup options

Related information
Installing Web server plug-ins" in WebSphere Application Server Version 6.1 Information center