Working with private blacklists for SMTP connections
Use private blacklists to specify hosts and/or domains responsible for sending unnecessary, unwanted mail to your Internet domain. For consistency, Domino® private blacklists follow the model currently used by existing anit-spam functionality. Private blacklists are stored in the Domino Directory to simplify the process of maintaining and distributing blacklist information between servers.

Before you begin

Make sure you have previously set up a Configuration Settings document for the server.

About this task

When private blacklists are enabled, the SMTP listener task compares the names of hosts that may be subject to relay enforcement against the private blacklist prior to performing DNS blacklist queries. This prevents unnecessary DNS lookups. If the host is found in the private blacklist, the action specified in the field Desired action when a connecting host is found in a private blacklist in the Private Blacklist Filters section of the Configuration Settings document applies. If the host is not found in the private blacklists, processing continues with DNS whitelist filters and then DNS blacklist filters.

Using private blacklist filters


1. From the Domino Administrator, click the Configuration tab and expand the Messaging section.

2. Click Configurations.

3. Select the Configuration Settings document for the server on which you are enabling the private blacklist filters.

4. Click Router / SMTP -> Restrictions and Controls -> SMTP Inbound Controls.

5. Complete these fields in the Private Blacklist Filters section and then click Save and Close.

Viewing private blacklist statistics

About this task

The SMTP listener task maintains a cumulative count of the number of connections accepted from blacklisted hosts, and stores that count in the SMTP.PrivateBL.TotalHits statistic. The SMTP.PrivateBL.TotalHits statistic is part of the SMTP statistics package and can be viewed using the Domino Administrator client or from the server console by entering the following command:

show stat SMTP

Related tasks
Working with private whitelists for SMTP connections
Restricting inbound SMTP connections